Building a Health Tech Powerhouse in 90 Days

Authored by PERSOLKELLY team (India), PERSOLKELLY, India

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In today's fast-paced world, technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of business processes, regardless of the industry/sector. The healthcare industry, specifically, has observed a considerable transformation toward embracing innovative techniques to enhance­ patient care, boost operational efficiency, and deliver better results. However, navigating this digital transformation can feel perplexing without the requisite support of skilled employees.

In times of an ongoing brutal battle for talent, strategic flexibility, continuous improvement, and technological expertise, companies need a dependable workforce that can assist them in succeeding against all odds. A young Hyderabad-based health and nutrition company faced a similar struggle before PERSOLKELLY lent a helping hand. Let’s take a peek into how PERSOLKELLY helped the company build an effective talent pipeline, facilitating the organization’s vision and growth.

Building a Blueprint: Matching the Cultural Fit

Every company has a unique culture that reflects its values, vision, and goals. Employees who fit the culture will likely be engaged and motivated and contribute to a positive working environment. This is why we started the recruitment process by asking the client a few questions about the company’s values, future vision, hiring patterns, and cultural fit requirements.

Then, we decided to create a profile for each type of candidate we were trying to attract. We defined our applicants' age range, skill set (soft or technical), and personality traits. Using analytics, we tried to understand their job-search habits and decided to target specific platforms and job boards more effectively.

Conducting the Initial Assessment: Ticking the Boxes

There­ have been many e­volving roles within data teams that have emerged over the­ past few years. Some of the­ common titles include Data Scientists, Data Archite­cts, Data Warehouse Enginee­rs, Data Engineers, and Rese­arch Analysts. The specific responsibilitie­s for these roles ofte­n vary between organizations. By cle­arly outlining these responsibilities and the client’s goals and objectives in job de­scriptions and recruiting, we could find the best-fitting candidates for the data team.

As we began sourcing potential candidates, we established a clear understanding of the client’s business's specific needs. We started by identifying the data analytics skills and expertise required for the organization. This information helped us find candidates with the right technical abilities.

Proactive Talent Sourcing–Traditional & Unconventional

Once we had identified the roles, qualifications, and skills we wanted in the data team, we began our proactive sourcing. Using candidate details such as previous experience, certifications, experience with specific use cases, etc., we started our marketing, advertising, and outreach campaigns on various platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Twitter, etc. We also used employee referrals to identify good candidates.

When looking for diverse talent, the search can be challenging as data science is a male-dominated field. As a result, traditional recruitment routes will continue to reflect this bias. By reaching out and building relationships with groups of female data scientists, we could broaden the pipeline of talent to attract.

A Thorough Candidate Evaluation Process

To hire the best candidate for the job, we needed to do our due diligence. We also needed a reliable and thorough candidate assessment process that allowed us to screen inbound applicants quickly, fairly, and effectively. We followed a step-by-step process for candidate assessment.

  1. Standardization of the interview process: The process involved curating a list of what skills to evaluate. This allowed different interviewers to look for the same skills, deeming different candidates to be evaluated on the same criteria.
  2. Communicating clearly–before, during, and after: We ensured clear and reliable communication during all the interview steps to make the process swift, interactive, assertive, and enjoyable for the candidates and make the client company more attractive to work for.
  3. Comprehensive and uniform evaluation: Candidates were assessed based on all the basic skills needed for carrying out the job, and not just a few elements. Our evaluation phase followed a systematic approach so that every candidate feels evaluated fairly.

These steps not only made our recruitment process more consistent and efficient but also made it easier for the organization to reproduce the steps across different roles and departments for future requirements.

Navigating the Negotiation for Compensation & Benefits

Negotiating salary and benefits based on each data management role is another critical but challenging aspect of the job offer that PERSOLKELLY helped the company process. We took the burden off our client's shoulders by doing the legwork for them. We helped them determine what each candidate and each role was worth in the market and advocated this information in the salary negotiation round. Our years of expertise in navigating this tricky conversation and presenting the process in a way that resonated with both the employer and the candidates paid off.

Closing the Vacancy with an Exceptional Outcome

If you don't act swiftly, a good candidate is naturally likely to be picked up by other companies. It is as important to close the deal quickly as it is to show the candidates that you value them to reduce this risk. So, as soon as we finished the negotiation, we moved on to the onboarding process, helping new hires familiarize themselves with their roles, the company's philosophies, and what the company has to offer.

The results of our strategic approach were impressive. Within 90 days, PERSOLKELLY helped our client set up a new data team by filling 8-10 critical roles, exceeding expectations. From drafting job descriptions to conducting interviews and background checks, PERSOLKELLY managed the entire recruitment process.

PERSOLKELLY: An Extended Arm of the Organization

The market for data science professionals continues to be hot. The move to remote work settings has both opened up the candidate pool and made the market more competitive, with large organizations tapping new, unconventional markets for candidates.

In these circumstances, organizations looking to build a data team must utilize the expertise of a recruitment agency to win the race for data science talent. A recruitment agency like ours follows a robust hiring mechanism that involves targeted searches, thorough screening, and comprehensive interviews to ensure that candidates have the required skills and cultural fit for the organization. This case study serves as a beacon, illuminating the path to wise recruitment decisions.

Ace the Race for Talent with PERSOLKELLY!

Investing in the right recruitment agency, such as PERSOLKELLY, can help maximize the success of your data team recruitment efforts. With our industry expertise, extensive candidate network, and personalized approach, PERSOLKELLY is committed to delivering the best results for your organization's workforce needs. Get in touch with us if you're looking to quickly fill open positions with qualified candidates.