Driving Growth Through Flexible Staffing: Non-IT Contract Hiring Strategies and Salary Analysis

Authored by PERSOLKELLY team (India), PERSOLKELLY, India

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A great corporate personnel army is non-negotiable when executing key objectives such as new market expansion and the development of new business lines. Your workforce will be your strong standing support system even while other growth elements vary. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to who you are hiring and bringing into your business from the onset.

Establishing a large pool of permanent talent has always been a key strategy for best-in-class businesses. However, today's world has made a shift necessary. Flexible hiring has entered the picture with its rewards. LinkedIn's Future of Recruiting research states that from May to November 2022, the number of job listings for contract positions increased by 26% compared to the same time in 2021.

Developing a comprehensive strategic personnel plan will be essential to your company's future growth and success. This entails combining a flexible, project-based contract workforce with a dynamic mix of full-time employees.

How Exactly Does Flexible Staffing Promote Growth?

1. It saves your precious time.

Workers with the required talents can start right away and make rapid business progress. There is no need for laborious onboarding or interview processes. If hired through a staffing agency, contract workers will have already undergone screening and interviews, ensuring they can utilize the necessary skills straight away.

2. It saves you money.

Not every position calls for a full-time worker since many projects are short-term revenue based. By having someone onboard for the required duration to complete the task, you can increase your workforce without hiring more full-time employees.

3. Flexible staff offer the required skills.

Your permanent staff members may lack the necessary skill sets for a given project, growth opportunity, or unforeseen requirement. When you hire contractually for knowledge, experience, and skill, you relieve the workload of permanent employees, allowing them to concentrate on their projects and deadlines.

Challenges and Solutions

Now, we understand the benefits of hiring contractually. But it comes with its challenges, which include:

  • Ensuring a culture fit: Including temporary workers into an organization's culture comes with a special set of difficulties, not the least of which is making sure the temporary and permanent staff blend in together seamlessly. Maintaining productivity and morale within an organization depends on achieving organizational harmony, which calls for a proactive approach to inclusivity and collaboration.
  • Using talent precisely: Knowing which talent to use is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. When it comes to quality, finding the right talent is more significant than the number of employees.
  • Time constraints: Finding the right talent on time is a more difficult battle that companies must fight. Many face the issues of managing project timelines and hiring in a time crunch.

The Solution: For your staffing needs, use specialized staffing companies like PERSOLKELLY. Our HR-focused firm can assist you with more than just finding qualified temporary workers in specialized fields; we can also employ advanced screening to locate better matches.

How to Go About It: The Steps

Having listed the benefits of a contractual workforce and how it drives growth in an organization, let us examine the strategies for contract hiring in non-IT sectors.

1. Planning Ahead

Before you hire contract staff for a project, define your goals and objectives. Prepare a practical timeline and outline the contractor's role and what is expected of them. By clearly outlining the start of the project, when progress reports are due, and when the finished output must be turned in, you can prevent uncertainty. Planning can save you money, time, and resources.

2. Effective Communication

Provide a clear and detailed job description for the project in several job advertisements and portals. Communicate your expectations of hiring people under contract. This will increase the number of relevant applicants who are ready to work part-time and on flexible hours, supporting effective hiring on your part.

3. Screening and Pre-screening

Efficient and effective screening or assessing and qualifying individuals according to their suitability for your contract roles is the third step in creating a pipeline of potential contract candidates. By doing this, you can prioritize the top applicants, save time, and prevent mismatches. To do this, you can measure candidates' talents, knowledge, or personality using pre-screening methods like skills tests, video interviews, or online assessments.

Pose pertinent and targeted questions to inquire further about candidates' motivation, availability, expectations, and suitability for your contract roles. Finally, provide candidates with clear and honest feedback on their strengths, your decision, and the next steps in the recruiting process.

4. Skills-Based Assessments

Use skills-based tests or practical evaluations to evaluate candidates' abilities and appropriateness for the project for which they are being hired on a contract. Tailoring assessments to specific job needs guarantees that candidates are examined on abilities that are directly related to the project's objectives. It also sheds light on how they might contribute to the project.

Assessments may include case studies and role-playing exercises that mimic real-world situations. For instance, in manufacturing, candidates might be presented with a simulated production line scenario to test their problem-solving abilities and understanding of operational processes.

5. Ensuring Cultural Fit

Cultural fit includes beliefs, work ethic, and communication style, in addition to qualifications and credentials. Ensuring cultural fit is important when looking for non-IT contractual staff to prevent conflicts and unmet expectations and promote collaboration.

Seek people whose attitudes and values align with the project objectives and your organization’s culture. Evaluate their capacity to work well with others in the team (if the work requires teamwork) or to take responsibility for their independent work (if they will be a one-man army) and to fit in with the current work dynamics.

6. Referral Programs

Non-IT roles often require specific skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and industry knowledge, which can be better understood and assessed by employees who are familiar with the job requirements. So, it would be useful to set up referral programs to encourage current non-IT employees to recommend competent people for contract opportunities inside the organization.

Encourage employees to refer applicants by providing incentives such as monetary bonuses, gift vouchers, gamified points, or other benefits. To guarantee that only qualified individuals are being referred, establish explicit referral policies and requirements. Regularly assess the program's efficacy and make necessary modifications to maximize outcomes and promote sustained participation.

Hiring the Right Non-IT Contractual Staff with PERSOLKELLY

Are you looking for a detailed salary analysis specific to the non-IT industry? Well, look no further. PERSOLKELLY has got you covered. Download our latest salary guide to hiring non-tech contractual staff to gain industry-relevant insights. It will help you understand growth trends in important fields such as hospitality, healthcare, retail, etc.

PERSOLKELLY is your one-stop shop for all your HR requirements. We also offer recruitment, hiring, and consultation services. So, what are you waiting for? Download your copy now and stay ahead of the competition!

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