Overcoming Hiring Challenges in a Competitive Engineering Market

Authored by PERSOLKELLY team (India), PERSOLKELLY, India

Overcoming Hiring Challenges in a Competitive Engineering Market banner

Engineers are crucial for numerous technological developments; they bring new products into existence, design and test components, and assess the efficacy and dependability of the finished creation. Engineers constantly utilize scientific and mathematical concepts to tackle diverse technical obstacles. However, the science behind finding the right talent at the right moment for the engineering sector is becoming more intricate than most hiring supervisors might anticipate.

Currently, there is a significant need for engineers across various industries, like advanced manufacturing and financial services. Unfortunately, the supply of engineers cannot satisfy the demand. The competition for qualified professionals is intensifying, and engineering firms must rethink their recruitment tactics if they wish to stay ahead in the competition.

Hiring Challenges in the Tight Talent Market

Hiring skilled engineering professionals can feel like an uphill battle. Recruiters are fighting an ongoing talent shortage that makes filling critical roles daunting. Too much time gets spent on unqualified applicants, causing frustration all around. Hiring managers might experience any or all of the following challenges while looking for the right fit:

Talent Shortage

The tech sector worldwide faces an acute shortage of talent. The evolving nature of technology, together with its highly volatile demand and a subsequent surge of skilled technology specialists, has had a big impact on the existing market. In addition, technology is advancing in these domains more rapidly than the experts have managed to develop adequate skill sets.

Difficult Candidate Skill Assessment

Technical positions usually demand specific knowledge and skills that are hard to evaluate through traditional interview methods such as resume screening and interviews. Recruiters need to have a thorough understanding of tech to assess and evaluate engineers and developers. Lack of adequate expertise can hamper the recruitment process, leading to wrong hiring and lost opportunity costs.

Difficulty Providing Clear Job Requirements

Technical positions require a unique blend of skills that can be hard to define or measure. For instance, software engineers meant to work together on a project must possess, in addition to the required technical capabilities, teamwork and collaboration skills to deliver the results.

It is the recruiter's responsibility to stay up to date with job needs in an environment where engineering is continuously changing. A recruiter may run the risk of placing a candidate in the incorrect role or preventing the business from fully utilizing the abilities of its new hire. Therefore, all perquisites that help candidates better position themselves in the job market and help employers more precisely match talent to hiring needs must be included in the job requirement.

High Compensation Requirements

As the tech industry continues to boom at a rapid rate, tech skills are becoming highly demanded, and so are the salary expectations of its professionals. Most candidates equipped with the requisite skills seek a considerable raise in compensation to join the company. However, many startups and SMEs find it hard to offer competitive salary packages to their potential employees, thereby losing good talent. Companies can take cues from a comprehensive salary guide to manage this part well.

Re-engineer Your Hiring Strategies

A tightening talent market is a big issue in today’s engineering industry. Across the industry, organizations are scuffling through the talent market to find qualified engineers to fill critical roles. But there are strategies to streamline this tricky process while keeping candidates and hiring managers happy.

Conduct a comprehensive skill assessment.

A robust and comprehensive skill assessment test can help recruiters objectively measure an applicant’s skills and knowledge. Technical expertise is important when considering job candidates, but other factors play a crucial role, too. Effective communication and problem-solving abilities are vital for tackling challenges, collaborating with teams, and communicating results. For example, add a group discussion round to the interview process to assess a candidate's leadership, teamwork, and confidence. This can be followed by an aptitude test and technical skills assessment to determine the individual's propensity to succeed in the role.

Furthermore, behavioral interviews can be used to gain valuable insights into an individual's potential cultural fit within a company and team. This ensures alignment with organizational values and mission.

Use an applicant tracking system (ATS).

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a great way to streamline the recruitment process. From managing job applications, sourcing candidates, and maintaining records, it helps in ensuring a positive experience for applicants. Additionally, an ATS can help in optimizing job descriptions, which plays a crucial role in attracting the right talent quickly.

Supercharge recruitment with tech and automation.

Use automation software to design tests and assessments for candidates. Incorporating screening assessments for testing coding skills, cognitive abilities, integrity, etc., can help you quickly identify candidates who genuinely possess the necessary skills. This eliminates the need for unnecessary interview rounds and saves previous HR time and effort. Plus, automation tools can help with menial tasks such as scheduling interviews or sending follow-up emails, saving time and money.

Harness the power of data.

AI recruitment tools can analyze large amounts of candidate data in real time, offering key insights that empower decision-making. These AI tools can help with more accurate candidate matching, ensuring that companies are paired with applicants whose skills and experiences align closely with the role’s requirements.

Embrace and advocate for DE&I.

Diversity in the panel of interviewers ensures that every individual’s stance and background is included, which is a step toward avoidance of any biases in the process. Developing inclusive job descriptions also reflects a company’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency.

Communicate effectively.

Candidates value clear and transparent communication. Communicate with employees and keep them informed about their application status, what to expect next, and any potential delays. Timely response rates demonstrate the company's respect for a candidate’s time and effort, fostering goodwill, even if the candidate is not selected for the position.

Winning the Race for Top Talent

To thrive in the ever-evolving and fiercely competitive engineering talent market, organizations should center their hiring efforts on great candidate experiences. A report indicates that a whopping 73% of engineering and R&D (ER&D) organizations are experiencing talent shortages. Adding to the growing problem, engineers are moving into non-engineering roles. Globally, the percentage of engineers leaving engineering organizations has risen from 15-16% to 16-17%, an increase of nearly 2% over the last three years. Therefore, adopting progressive methods minimizes employee turnover risk, boosts organizational resilience, and ensures uninterrupted operations in unforeseen circumstances.

Engineers are in high demand, so companies must pursue strategic talent acquisition to maintain an edge. Captivating top engineering candidates is only step one; organizations must also nurture strong, lasting relationships with top performers.

That's where a strategic recruitment partner comes in. At PERSOLKELLY, we excel at linking ambitious businesses with exceptional engineering professionals who drive innovation and spur business growth. With our deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing the engineering market, we're equipped to help companies succeed in this dynamic industry.

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